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男生的個性比女生要講求"快快快"...所以,如果你身邊有熟悉的男士朋友,當你要陳述一段故事的時候,往往都會聽到他說"講重點","直接說結果","不要講過程"... ><



how to manage your skin problem ,especially for male clients who need instant ,fast, effective way.


step one:find experts who really  care to take time and listen to your daily care method on skin.


第二步:選擇 適當的雷射或治療,而且要記得,在治療的時候,往往療程比較安全,因為,會逐步依照皮膚的修復狀況,慢慢調整強度

目前: 凹疤,痘痘,毛孔, 是幾乎每個男人都會遇到的問題


step two: choose a proper method for your skin care procedure, package treatment are more safe compare to one touch and go, since your skin needs time to regenerate.Everytime after one procedure done, your skin condition will change,so ,you must let your skin take some time to change and improved.



(飛梭 藉著氣化方式改善皮膚真皮層不平整,達到重建的效果)

(Fraxel laser ,improves pores and unsmooth skin problems.) 



(Nd Yag laser improves skin overgrowth thickening problem ,stimulates collagen regrowth,and improves pores size)


(飛針:改善已產生的凹洞,過大的毛孔,達到新生的效果 .

Microneedle: improves ulcer skin,over expression of big pores)



第三步:按時回診保養, 可以選擇"杏仁酸換膚","維生素C" 淨白 ,安定皮膚的保養產品. 醫療級產品必須在美容診所由醫護人員執行,因為皮膚每次的狀況不一樣,必須讓專業人員評估當天適合做換膚嗎.不然反而會有反效果(比如灼傷之類的)

Step three: come back as often for skin rejuvenation,like peeling,skin care with mandelic acid or vit.C.

remember treated by expert for evaluation your skin condition on that specific day is very important, if not, some peeling treatment will make your skin burn if without proper noticed by inappropriate procedure.




Step four: home care with moisturizer,sun block, to protect your skin from the UV ,it will let your skin stay young for longer time.


簡單4步驟, 可以讓你變得乾淨俐落, "人見人愛" .男生就是要乾淨,俐落..別再以為"邋遢"是男生的專利.其實,女生不喜歡邋遢的男生的.



With only Four Easy Steps, you will become a tidy and neat male ,which frankly speaking, no girl likes a guy who doesn't care his skin at all....So ,take down this easy four steps to make you the" Golden man "in this society.

##1.find expert to talk about it-->

##2.choose customerized procedures-->

##3.come back for skin peeling-->

##4.basic home care.





張毅醫師 Dr.GORDON



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