
dr gordon 4             



Dr. Gordon Chong Yee, Aesthetic Doctor.

Certification of competence in aesthetic procedures such as Botox, Dermal Fillers, Lasers and Light therapies, Weight control, Embedding therapy, Acupuncture and Liposuction ,MBBS (Taiwan ,ROC) , Grad. Liposuction Training (Seoul Korea)  , Fully accredited by Taiwan Micro Invasive Aesthetic Society (T.M.I.A.S).



Aesthetic physician (Cosmetic)



  1. Certification of competence in aesthetic procedures such as Botox, Dermal Fillers,Lasers and Light therapies ,Weight control, Liposculpture and liposuction
  2. MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery ,Taiwan ,ROC)
  3. Post graduate Diploma in Acupuncture Research ,China Medical University, Taiwan, ROC  
  4. Completed Overseas Training in Liposuction , Seoul ,Korea.
  5. Fully accredited by Taiwan Micro Invasive Aesthetic Society (T.M.I.A.S)



  1.  American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
  2.  The Asian Pacific Academy of Cosmetic Surgery-Taiwan Chapter
  3.  Former Chief Resident of Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Taiwan Adventist Hospital.


Languages Spoken

English ,Mandarin, Malay.


Awards and Publications

  1. Certified  Laser Physician
  2. Certified  Microplastic Physician.
  3. Certified  Liposuction PhysicianCertified Acupuncture Physician
  4. Championship of Evidence Based Medicine Competition,Best Performance,2011,Taipei ,TaiwanR.O.C
  5. Consulting Doctor of Chinese television station (CTS華視),Formosa television (FTV民視)


Professional Statement

Hello everyone, I am Dr.Gordon Chong Yee(MD) ,I obtained my medical degree from the National Defense Medical Center of Taiwan ,ROC and  post graduate training in Liposuction at LILAC Academy of Liposculpture in Seoul Korea.I underwent rigorous clinical training in dermatology at the Veteran General Hospital and surgery,based on Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the Taiwan Adventist Hospital where I developed a strong passion in aesthetics including vulvaplasty. Besides,as a prevention medicine specialist, I further  my expert research on Acupuncture,focusing embedding therapy for body sculpture in China Medical University,Taiwan . I am accredited by Taiwan Micro Invasive Aesthetic Society (T.M.I.A.S) and have attained certification of competence in aesthetic procedures such as Botox, Dermal Fillers, Lasers and Light therapies, Weight Control and Liposuction. I participates in multiple workshops and conferences to keep myself at the forefront of aesthetic medicine. I am dedicated to fulfilling every patient's aesthetic needs so that they may look their best at any age while maintaining their youthful demeanor.It's my honour  as one of the favourite doctors in Taipei which celebrities appointed for aesthetic procedure.





    我是台灣肥胖醫學會及美塑美容醫學會醫師,同時也是美國美容醫學會,亞太美容外科醫學會會員,獲取臨床美容醫學及微整雷射光療認證.我積極出席各項大型美容醫學研習會,並受邀至國外演講分享臨床經驗.同時擔任台灣華視,民視顧問醫師以及國際VITAL MEDICARE集團顧問醫師.受邀上媒體分享健康體重管理專業知識.


    對我而言.美容醫學,體重控制與抗老化是息息相關的.美容醫學是一門藝術.所以,對美的講究從內而外都不斷地接受新資訊,傳遞新知識,新技術.很榮幸,接受過我幫助的客人,很喜歡我的黃金比例塑造,每個人可以找回屬於自己獨特的美與自信.這是讓我最快樂及幸福感倍增的時刻.歡迎來台北東之美診所 讓我們聊一聊甚麼是真正的內而外的美麗旅程.


東之美官方網站 : 



  1. 國防醫學院醫學士

  2. 美國醫學美容醫學會醫師

  3. 韓國首爾LILAC ACADEMY 抽脂研究醫師
  4. 亞太美容外科醫學會醫師

  5. 台灣微整形美塑醫學會醫師

  6. 中國醫藥大學針灸研究員

  7. 台灣肥胖醫學會醫師

  8. 雷射脈衝光療微整形訓練認證醫師

  9. 海峽兩岸微整形學術研討會研習認證合格醫師

  10. 學士後畢業後實證醫學競賽第一名得獎者

  11. 台北市第三屆實證醫學競賽標竿獎得獎者

  12. 法國/義大利 3D聚左旋乳酸(PLLA ,SCULPTRA)原廠及進階專業認證




  1. 東之美BE aesthetic clinic 台北總院執行院長
  2. 前台北台安醫院總醫師

  3. 前台北榮民總醫院訓練

  4. 前台南奇美醫學中心訓練

  5. 台灣民視,華視電視台諮詢顧問醫師

  6. 馬來西亞Allunique 顧問醫師

  7. 前台灣美麗爾醫學美容機構主治醫師

  8. 前台北光合作用醫學美容診所駐診醫師

  9. 前台北名瑿醫美診所副院長

  10. 前新北市夏娃形體美容診所副院長






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